Spring Strength Classes

10 Week Session - March 10 to May 16

Let’s get you STRONG for SPRING

10 Week Session - March 10 to May 16

Live online class schedule:

  • Mondays & Wednesdays - Functional Strength, 6:15-6:45am et

  • Tuesdays & Thursdays - Advanced Progressive Strength/HIIT,
    8:00-8:40am et

  • Plus 6 Saturday KINSTRENGTH classes, a combo of mobility & strength -
    9:00-10:00am et

Join online classes live or use recordings to workout on your schedule

Includes a 1:1 check-in and assessment

Join me for live online classes to build strong bones & strong muscles for a strong mind & healthy heart

Spring Strength Classes

Spring Strength Classes


Next session March 10 to May 16

10 week session with at least 4 live online classes per week covering functional strength and advanced strength/HIIT

Plus 6 Saturday live online KINSTRENGTH classes, a combo of mobility & strength

Attend online classes live or use recordings to workout on your schedule

Includes a 1:1 check-in and assessment


  • Keeps bones strong and joints healthy

  • Burns fat, increases metabolic currency, and increases your insulin sensitivity.

  • Improves overall body mechanics and functional movements

  • Impacts overall health, from cardiovascular health to diabetes

  • Helps your brain maintain and support healthy cognitive functioning

  • Aids in helping mental health

  • Decreases physical age for sustainable health & wellness

Access to 40+ classes per 10 week session for only $299

INCLUDES 1:1 CHECK IN & ASSESSMENT to guide you properly during online live classes

“This strength training class with Jenny is a game changer. Efficient, effective workouts that move the needle every time! Jenny trains you as a whole person and helps you maximize every move and every minute. I'm so glad I invested in myself with Jenny leading the way.”