Nailing the Basics

Nailing the BASICS?

Tracking, measuring, and weighing food is not basic.  

Lifting heavy weights is not basic.

Doing a hard peloton or HIIT workout is not basic.

Shopping for all the right ingredients of whole foods with purpose is not basic.

These are all HARD things to do and can be VERY OVERWHELMING when you are attempting to step back into a routine.

Focus on the BASICS FIRST:

  1. How is your sleep?  Are you getting 7-8 hours/night?

  2. How well are you hydrating?  Water is a natural cell detoxifier? Are you drinking 6-7 8oz glasses of water a day? Really, are you?

  3. How is your meal consistency?  Are you eating 3 meals a day?  Undereating?  Eating out too much?  

  4. How is your meal composition?  Are you eating a few servings of veggies in each of your meals?  Finding quality complex carbohydrates over ultra-processed foods?

  5. How are your steps?  Are you getting past 7K? 8K? 10K? Are you adding a walk after your dinner meal? Moving helps you digest your meals best.

Nail those BASICS for a week, and the clarity for next steps, lifting weights, harder workouts, tracking meals will come. 

Or it won’t. Because you will just feel SO DARN GOOD that you NAILED THE BASICS. And that is ENOUGH right now, to keep forward momentum for your healthy metabolism.

I never have clients come to me and say they would be better off if only they had more kids' practices to attend, more meetings, or a few extra work/travel trips to add on to their already busy schedules.  

Yet many want to clean the slate and jump into the most challenging time intensive dietary strategy when their life is already overwhelming.  

Less energy to perform in a state where you are already less energy?  Mmmmm….

Instead, TRY NAILING THE BASICS FIRST.  The basics work.  And have for a very long time.  Tried and true.  No need to rush it.  Just step in.

A few tips to get started:

*Vegetables for the WIN.  Start with more vegetables, some fruits, and a whole grain a day. 

*Balance your meals with a lean protein source, animal or plant based.

*Fill up the water bottle and hydrate.

Once you have practiced your BASICS and you have order, then look to where your energy is growing, and add something.  

Reply to me here: and let me know what BASIC you are NAILING this week!  

Yours in Health,



Fall Back into Routine


Everything in Moderation, Especially Alcohol