Summer Intention
Setting an intention for your summer is like laying down a roadmap for how you want to experience the beach walks, the sunshine, the mountains climbed, the fresh air.
It’s about balancing the joy of relaxation with the discipline to maintain the progress you’ve made in other areas of your life.
Just like you wouldn’t abandon your commitments during any other season, it’s important to stay mindful of your health and wellness goals even when the temptation to unwind is strong.
How do you do this?
Start simple by writing down your intention for this new season.
Name the ONE non-negotiable you will set for yourself and put it on a sticky note on your bathroom mirror. (a consistent reminder every day of what will serve you best).
Laugh, smile, hug yourself, sing, or do some GOOD VIBE to and for yourself when you accomplish your non negotiable each day.
So, as you plan your adventures and lazy days by the beach, remember to weave in those habits and routines that keep you grounded and moving forward.
After all, the best summers are the ones where you strike that perfect balance between restoring and renewing with intent. That’s how we grow.
Let’s set an intention, YOUR ONE NON NEGOTIABLE, for the month of June and notice and name how you feel when we stick to it.
Keep high fiving yourself. That’s the name of the game— good self talk.
Yours in Health,