Sphere of Control

Control yourself. In my health and wellness practice, I speak to clients often about letting go of what they cannot control in their day, and focusing on what they CAN control. As a Nutrition/Behavior Coach, we call this the Sphere of Control (sounds a little more fun, right?)

Every new year, I take a few hours, usually on a weekend (while still in my jammies, with my second cup of coffee and my fuzzy socks) and grab a blank sheet of 8 x11 paper. 

Then I sit down, snuggle up, grab my favorite pen (maybe even a colored pen) and I draw the biggest circle I can get on paper.  

Next, I draw a circle, half the size, inside that circle. (If you are anything like me, and still reading this; then you have switched over on your device to google sphere of control and have seen a gazillion images and research articles on the concept) 

For gentleness sake, I keep mine simple. The inside circle represents the things you can control in your day to day. The larger outside circle represents the things you cannot control in your day to day.  

Go ahead. Get started. See if you can write down at least 5 things in each of the circles.  

What are things you cannot control? The weather, the environment, other people’s remarks, 

What are some things you CAN control? Taking a walk with a friend, turning off all devices/screens by dinner time each night, drinking a glass of water before your coffee every morning, drinking a nutrient dense smoothie everyday.  

One circle is about YOU- and what you can control.

One circle is about EVERYTHING ELSE that’s messy and overwhelming and encompasses our smaller controlled circle.  

Sometimes, I help clients practice this when they have a difficult situation to process or work through. Seeing the visual of the circles gives us perspective, so that we can focus on the outcome we desire.

One of my favorite parts of this exercise is the clarity clients feel when they see it! Give it a try.  

All you need is a blank sheet of paper and the thoughts in your head.  

You got this! If you are looking for a place to start your intentions and practice skills towards more positive bites of health in your day to day, check out my website and sample a day of Method 25, a program designed to help you restore balance to your health.

Yours in Health,



Control Yourself