Say YES to What You Can do Today!

Health is saying YES to what you CAN DO today and…

To those things you CANNOT control, place them outside your sphere of control and step into what you CAN DO.

I cannot work out for a few days, so l move gently today.

I cannot jump or lift weights, so I will stretch, smile and do a one minute move.

Do what YOU CAN.

This is how and why JRAPPFIT started 1 MINUTE MOVES. There should ALWAYS be an entry point to health that is DO-ABLE. 

Moving, just a little, can spark goodness and clarity in your day, right away.

Here are 3 of my favorite ONE MINUTE MOVES to get that SPARK going today, moving the needle towards more things you CAN DO.

  1. Step Outs: Step one leg out to the left, then out to the right.  For a bonus, take those hands over the head and reach high for each step out.  

  2. Butt Kicks: Lift and kick one heel back towards your bum, alternate each side.  For a bonus, swing and pump your arms to the side.

  3. Leg Sweeps: Kick one leg out in front of the other, straighten front leg, and hinge over to reach and sweep towards the floor with your arms.

Try 10 reps of each for a great little warm up or workout.

And if you are ready to go and want to start somewhere with an approach to health that will feel like this:

TOOLS > rules

PROGRESS > perfection

NO GUILT > deprivation

STRONG > skinny


I have options for you at JRAPPFIT Health and Wellness that meet you where you are now and get your needle moving in the right direction for your 50’s and + years of greatness.

Here’s one easy place to start. Join my next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss New Client Experience. Work with a high-level coach to get you feeling your best for summer. We start Monday, April 22nd! Link to sign up:

Join me in my stories here: every day starting in May to get your plank on.

Now— GO and celebrate what YOU CAN DO today! 

Yours in Health,



Muscles Start in the Kitchen


Reflection and Intention Go Hand in Hand