Pick Your Priorities: Your Next Best Move Toward Optimal Health
Did you know… the things you are doing today from the moment you wake up to when your head hits the pillow are the key to figuring out your next best move towards optimal health?
Here are some things to consider:
How do you move through your day? What do you put in your body? What stressors do you have? What are the triggers in your life, can you name them? Do you even notice them? And if you do, how do you get to the next step? I’ll tell you … create one small behavior shift that you prioritize as a value and goal important to you.
Do you find yourself:
Rushing through meals
Constantly eating on the go
Sleeping less than 7 hours
Using alcohol to cope
It’s ok. We all do it. The great thing about your daily habits is it gives me, your Functional Health Coach and Master Nutrition Coach, direct insight into where you can make quick adjustments that will help you experience the greatest impact on your health right away.
Are you ready to feel strong, reduce pain, thrive in your life? You’ve come to the right place.
Write down your day from start to finish. Start with what you do first after waking up, how you drink your coffee and include every detail down to the last thing you do right before you go to bed.
Pinpoint one area that you could benefit from a small behavioral shift.
Sitting down to eat your breakfast instead of the car, so you can be mindful about how your body responds to the food you are eating.
Turning off the phone a few hours before bed to give yourself enough replenishing sleep.
One meal, one move, one small behavior shift at a time. This is how you heal your life.
Not sure where to start?
Let’s hop on a call. Click here to schedule.