An Open Heart Leads to an Open Mind

As the summer draws to a close and we lean into the Fall season, it’s time to give yourself a bit of time to reflect before you move on. Pausing to reflect can be good for the mind, body and spirit.  

In reflection, I learned a lot about friendship this summer that I want to share with you because friendship took on a new meaning for me. As I move into a new decade of life and as we all seem to be seeking more connection, physically and spiritually with each other, than ever before - friendship is deeper and more important than ever. 

Here’s a few things I learned from my friends from the place and space I resided in this summer and from my family:

  • Revel in each other’s humanity.  We are ALL trying here in some way, and everyone’s TRY is different.  Respect each other and REVEL in each other.  Appreciation goes a long way with perspective.  

  • We might have different opinions but we are all ROOTED in our shared LOVE of truth.  We sometimes get caught up in our own opinions and perspectives.  Being with friends allows you to decide how you find the shared truth.

  • The person who challenges you is not your enemy, but your friend (my favorite quote by Socrates), but appropriate to welcoming disagreement.  

  • Getting it out helps us heal.  It might not look or sound pretty sometimes.  But it can lead to connection in a deeper way, embodying humility and humanity in a new way.

  • Decide what you need to be responsible for before you go on, whether in a conversation, movement, or your health.

Friendship does not get easier as we age, it’s more challenging. 

It takes more work than just “who’s picking up the kids today”, and “I’ll see you at the game” and “I have two kids I am taking X, so throw yours in with mine please and thank you” or “I’m at the mall, want to go halfsies on the birthday party gift?” 

All these were good things, but they meant we connected in some way, on a regular basis.  When that shifts and seasons change our kids are more responsible - they are driving on their own, going to college, and such… well, without that need to rely on our friends to get through, we can curl up and shell off. 

Or we can OPEN UP, OPEN OUR HEARTS to our friends in a new way and OPEN OUR MIND in shared experiences.  

As we move into a new season, take your friends along.  Hold them, challenge them, call them out, and remind yourself that if they are your friend, then they are rooted in a shared LOVE of truth.  Keep trying.  Keep working at it. Keep stoking the things and people that challenge you the most. You got this!

- Yours in Health, Jenny


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